Student Storage
Finals week is stressful enough, let us do the heavy lifting! We provide safe and affordable storage for BYU, University of Utah, and UVU students so you can enjoy your summer without the stress of moving.

How It Works
Step 4
Our team will meet you on your preferred date and move your belongings for FREE.
Step 5
We safely secure your items in our storage facility.
Step 6
We deliver your belongings to your new home for free when the semester starts!
Per item monthly
Desk Fan Twin Headboard/Footboard Shoe Rack Folding Chair Art Portfolio Broom/Swifter Ironing Board Poster Tube Basket Picture Frame Mini Safe Pillow Lacrosse/Hockey Stick Desk Lamp Umbrella Skateboard Kitchen Chair Laundry Basket (Empty) Step Stool Drying Rack Whiteboard Dorm Mirror Crutches Violin Supply Kit Box
Bins & Boxes
Per item monthly
8 Gallon Bins or smaller 22x18x18 Boxes or smaller
Per item monthly
Duffle Mattress Pad Carry On Suitcase Microwave Ottoman Vacuum Stereo Trash Can Clothing rack End Table Floor Lamp Bed Frame (Disassembled) Folding Table Printer Cooler Nightstand Guitar Guitar Amp Snowboard Garbage Can Laundry Basket (Full) Queen or Full Headboard/Footboard Bean Bag Standing Fan
Per item monthly
Mini Fridge Large Suitcase Camp Duffle/Ikea Bag Large Mirror Trunk Cart Desk Chair Television Stand Box 4-6 Cubic Feet Computer Monitor Step Ladder Cabinet Rug Golf Bag Keyboard Chest File Cabinet Trash Bag
Per item monthly
Futon Armchair Couch Dresser (Empty) Full/Queen Box Spring Full/Queen Mattress Huge Bean Bag Reclining Chair Scooter or Moped Student Desk